Thursday, 10 March 2016

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This blog created for educational purpose under the subject EDG 4008 (CROSS-CULTURAL COUNSELLING) and this blog own by Ku Harudin bin ku Talib Ali (1118463) as well as  Muhammad Ashraf bin Shaharudin (1317197) and supported by our beloved lecturer who is Dr. SITI KHOLIJAH BINTI KASSIM. EDG 4008 (Cross-Cultural Counseling) is one of the compulsory subjects for all GUIDE students in KOED, IIUM. 

As stated in course synopsis “this course introduces major issues of cross-cultural counseling and the impact of diversity (within and between group differences) and discusses the influence of ethnicity and cultural diversity on the helping relationship, with special reference to the Malaysian context”.  

Referring to information stated above, in order to understand the major issues of cross-cultural counseling and the impact of diversity on the helping relationship, we will introduce you three groups of peoples who are existed in this world. The first one is Thailand, secondly is Indonesia, and last but not least is Banjar.

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This blog created for educational purpose under the subject EDG 4008 (CROSS-CULTURAL COUNSELLING) and this blog own by Ku Harudin bin ku Talib Ali (1118463) as well as Muhammad Ashraf bin Shaharudin (1317197) and supported by our beloved lecturer who is Dr. SITI KHOLIJAH BINTI KASSIM. EDG 4008 (Cross-Cultural Counseling) is one of the compulsory subjects for all GUIDE students in KOED, IIUM.


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